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Hand Dyeing & Painting
Costume Breakdown and Dyeing, Atlantis, BBC1
Projects I worked on, from my time as a Costume Breakdown Trainee in 2013. This was for Series 1, in Chepstow, Wales, UK.
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Hand painted silk and Ombre dye. BBC1 production still.
Hand painted silk and Ombre dye. BBC1 production still.
Hand dip dyed tunics for forest/soldiers.
Hand painted silk and Ombre dye. BBC1 production still.
"Outlander" Series 1, Stars Entertainment Costume Breakdown and Dyeing, Glasgow, UK, 2013
Hand toning with acid dyes on wool, silk, and cotton. Distressing various pieces.
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"Colours" Costume Design, Edinburgh Festival 2013
Hand Dyed Silk, Photos of Performance and Dress Rehearsal.
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Blue, Orange, Magenta, White, Yellow, Red, and Mauve
Imoseyama Onna Teikin, MFA Thesis Textile Design, 2013
Hand dyed samples. Shibori samples can be found under the appropriate tab.
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Madame Sadai main textile. White bamboo silk, dyed with procion dye, and discharge paste for the motif.
Kamatari patchwork textile 1. Imoseyama motif. Black bamboo silk and discharge paste.
Emperor Tenji cloak. Cotton velvet and direct dye.
Madame Sadai main textile. White bamboo silk, dyed with procion dye, and discharge paste for the motif.